This is some of my latest work. Thanks for Checking it out!!  
Scroll Down for more.
So grateful to have been a part of these amazing projects!!
My contributions:
Opening & Closing: All aspects

:02 - :03 (Exodus): Simulation - Animation - Rendering
     [Studio: Evolve - Project: The Sacred Thread]

:03 - :05 (Map): Animation - Compositing
     [Studio: Evolve - Project: The Sacred Thread]

:05 - :07 (County Rescue): Title Design -Animation
     [Studio: Evolve - Project: County Rescue]

:07 - :10 (Nebula): Background Design - Animation
     [Studio: Evolve - Project: The Sacred Thread]

:10 - :11 (World): Rig Optimization - Animation
     [Studio: Minno - Project: All about Jesus Special]

:11 - :14 (Redneck): Rigging - Layout - Animation
     [Personal Project Using Trackers of Faith Assets]

:14 - :16 (Wizard): Character Animation
     [Studio: Tenet - Project: Dragons and Dinos]

:16 - :17 (Trail Camera): Design - Texturing - Animation
     [Studio: VIA - Project: Browning Trail Cameras]

:17 - :20 (Mountain & Tabernacle): Modeling - Texturing - Animation - Rendering
     [Studio: David Kiern - Project I Am Israel 2]

:20 - :21 (Sparks & Train): Simulation - Animation - Rendering - Project Lead
     [Birchman Baptist Church - Project: Christmas at Birchman]

:21 - :24 (Family & Earth): Roto - Animation - Project Lead
     [Client: Show Hope - Project: Rebrand video]

:24 - :25 (Sporty Dancing): Layout - Animation
     [Personal Project]

:25 - :27 (Lottery Ball): Modeling - Animation - Texturing - rendering
     [Studio: KGV - Project: Tennessee Lottery]

:27 - :28 (Blue Farmhouse & Bridge): Modeling - Layout - Animation - rendering
     [Studio: Go West Creative - Project: Sonic National Convention]

:29 - :32 (Buffalo Wild Wings): Rigging - Texturing - Animation - Rendering
     [Studio: Go West Creative - Project: Buffalo Wild Wings National Convention]

:32 - :34 (Artista): Layout - Animation - Rendering
     [Personal Project]

:34 - :37 (Kid on the Swing): Modeling - Rigging - Texturing - Animation - Rendering
     [Personal Project]

I spent Summer 2022 to Summer 2023 doing a deep dive into character animation. HUGE thanks to my teachers Alexis Wanneroy and Michael Walling for an amazing experience and incredible growth. Can't wait to put these skills to work!

This is a collection of some projects and techniques from 2022. Most of the 3D is C4D and Octane, but the church, the sunset scene just after and the clouds scene are Unreal 4. The buildings are sourced from Kitbash 3D. I learned some really great map techniques using QGIS from the amazing Ryan Trommer at Evolve. The tree work is a combination of Forester and X Particles Taiao, and the Motion Backgrounds are for LifeWay camps. The portrait is part of an NFT project for Jeremy Cowart. Other designers I worked with are Grant Willingham ( on the ball and chain, and Robert Hughes ( on the book opening.
3:00 Storm Tossed Family - Modeling, Animation, 3D Design, Lighting/Octane 
5:00 Personal Project - Composition, Lighting/Octane 
7:00 Personal Project - Modeling, Composition, Lighting/Octane 
9:00 Love Makes You Move Lyric Video - Design, Modeling/Mixamo, Redshift 
11:00 Provident Films Logo - 3D Design, Lighting, Animation/Octane 
14:00 Salty Roan Logo - 3D Design, Lighting, Animation/xParticles, Octane 
16:00 Personal Project - Design, Lighting, Animation/xParticles, Octane 
18:00 Digital Media Evironment - 3D Design, Lighting/xParticles, Standard Renderer 
20:00 Providence - Animation/After Effects, Cinema 4D 
27:00 Providence - Animation/After Effects, Trapcode Particular 
29:00 LifeWay The Word Became Flesh Curriculum - Animation/After Effects 
31:00 College Day Mt. Zion Baptist Church - Animation/After Effects 
33:00 LifeWay eBook explainer - Rigging, Blocking, Animatic, Animation/After Effects, Duik, Joysticks and Sliders 
35:00 Trackers of Faith - Rigging, Aimation/After Effects, Duik 
41:00 School Of Motion Blend 3015 - 3D Design, Animation/Cinema 4D, After Effects 
42:00 LifeWay Trustworthy Curriculum - Design, Animation/After Effects

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